Interactive Financial Planning

Journey Home offers interactive financial planning with each person we enroll in our programs.

This includes participating in budgeting classes taken at our facility, working together to build a working budget, and support in sticking to that budget.

Supportive Housing

Journey Home offers supportive housing for individuals experiencing a housing crisis. Supportive housing includes an individualized plan with each resident to achieve the goals that are important to them and will help them become independent and stably housed.
Our program is built on accountability. Every resident is to remain sober during their stay at the Journey Home. Journey Home works closely with many agencies in our community to provide residents with a support system that has that same goal.

Financial Assistance

Journey Home provides temporary financial assistance to those in need. We do require that participants are involved in the resolution of what brought them to their current situation. Some requirements participants partake in may include our interactive budget planning, obtaining employment, or volunteering at a local organization.
Journey Home strives to set up each individual we meet with the best tools to succeed we have to offer. Participants have the opportunity to implement the skills and services they have received with appropriate supervision and support.

Representative Payee Services

​Representative Payee Services, for a small fee determined by Social Security Administration (SSA), will manage benefits by paying living expenses from a month’s budget with benefits from Social Security, Supplemental Security, or social security disability income.
Our responsibilities include but are not limited to: managing, documenting, and reporting use of funds as payee. In accord with SSA and best practices, we will gather all necessary information and legal documentation necessary to meet the needs of our Consumers. More Information

Food Box Program

Journey Home food box program serves all families and individuals experiencing a food crisis. We offer a food box to each household once a month. These food boxes include canned vegetables, fruits, cereal, rice, pasta, and soups. Each household is allowed a maximum of three food boxes.

Once they receive their third food box, we require that they meet with our team to talk about what is going on and if we can offer them any of our other services.